Englishالأمم المضطهدةالاحوازالعالمایرانبیانتقاريرحقوق الإنسانصور

President of the Global Campaign to Support Non-Persian People’s Revolution in Iran at the Swedish Parliament

President of the Global Campaign to Support Non-Persian People’s Revolution in Iran at the Swedish Parliament

The Global Campaign to Support Non-Persian People’s Revolution in Iran

Dr. Faisal Maramazi, Executive Director of the Ahwaz Center for Human Rights and Head of the Global Campaign to Support the Non-Persian People’s Revolution in Iran, spoke at the Conference of Non-Persian Peoples in the Swedish Parliament on Wednesday, May 23, 2018. He presented a paper on the rights of peoples and their struggle for self-determination and independence from Iranian occupation and gave an overview of the activities and objectives of the global campaign

The photo of the martyr Ahmad Mola, head of the Arab struggle for the liberation of Ahwaz, brought up and explained, how on November 8, 2017 assassination of the martyr Ahmad Mola was carried out by the Iranian intelligence in Netherlands

He spoke about the abuses and violations of the Iranian regime against the people and called on the international community, especially the European Union, to support the non-Persian people in Iran for their rights of Self-Determination, independence and freedom

The Global Campaign to Support Non-Persian People’s Revolution in Iran

Written by Hossein Bouazar

Date: 26/05/2018

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