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The Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights condemns the Iranian occupation regime preventing the teaching of the Arabic language to Ahwazi students

For several years, the Iranian occupation regime has prevented Ahwazi students from learning or studying the Arabic language in the school. It contradicts the regime obligations when signing United Nations norms and charters.

The Iranian regime promotes Persian culture in Al-Ahwaz schools. The administration forces citizens in Al-Ahwaz, primarily children through schools, to learn Persian culture instead of the Ahwazi culture.

The Iranian regime seeks to implant the idea of Persian culture and fight the Arabic culture and prevent its teaching to influence the minds of Ahwazi children, especially in primary and secondary schools.

The Iranian regime educational minister is forcibly implementing the “Persian language test” for children that are aiming to enter the “nursery”, “reception”, and “primary” school.

Although the Iranian occupation regime has admitted through its constitutional law by articles 15 and 19 the rights for people to learn or educate themselves or even publish their media in the local language, the article remains only written rather than practically implemented.

The Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights condemns the Iranian regime policies in preventing Ahwazi students from learning or educating themselves with their mother tongue language.

 Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights

23th of September 2021

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