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Ahwazi conference at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Ahwazi conference at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

By the invitation and coordination from Danish Nasim organization, university of Copenhagen hosted an Ahwazi conference on Friday the 17th of February 2017.

Mr. Faisal Maramazi, director of the Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) has discussed the documents and the overwhelming evidence of Iranian occupation crimes in Ahwaz since the twentieth of April 1925 until the Falahieyh city’s uprising in February.

The conference that was attended by lectures and student from across university specially the history student, Mr. Maramazi explain the present location of the Al-Ahwaz (Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan and south Ilam provinces in Iranian map), as well as non-Persian occupied nations such as south Azerbaijani Turks, Baluchistan, South Turkmenistan and Kurdistan by the Persian state, stressing that the Persians make up only 25% of the population of the so-called of Iran’s current geography. The existing state exercise repression and oppression and ethnic cleansing policy against non-Persian nations.

Mr. Maramazi also emphasized that Ahwazi Arab people struggling over the past nine decades to regain their human and nationalism rights enshrined in international law and stressed that peaceful struggle is a fundamental approach for Ahwazi Arabs to resume their essential rights,

But the Iranian occupation authorities militarized and kill Ahwazi citizens without any justification, as happened in the Falahieyh city on the ninth of February 2017, which resulted in an escalation of violence and mutual violence and the Ahwazi Arab people lift the arms in self-defence to expel the Iranian occupiers who refuses to even talk about Ahwazi citizenship rights.

During the conference the presenter asked an Ahwazi young named as Mr. Khaled Faraj pour to talk about his experience and the suffering of his family as Iranian regime crime’s witness, which their land was confiscation by the Iranian occupation regime and handed over to the Persians settlers, revealing that the Iranian authorities have confiscated more than 200 hectares of their farmland owned by his family without mentioning any rational reason and Persian courts have refused to accept any complaints by his family.

Before ending the conference, Mr. Maramazi has explained the Ahwazi current situation by through photos that were taken by Ahwazi local activist that shows the severe poverty, ethnic cleansing, injustice and finally demographic changes of Al-Ahwaz by the Iranian regime.

Finally, the presenter asked the audience regarding question, where some of the student ask related question that were answered by the Mr. Maramazi accordingly.

To view part 1 of the conference please click HERE

To view part 2 of the conference please click HERE

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights

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