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From Ahwazi Centre For Humanright to citizens of Netherlands

From Ahwazi Centre For Humanright to citizens of Netherlands

Mr Abdullah Al Mansouri is considered today as citizen of Netherlands,

Iran acknowledged this according to the article.e


This puts humanitarian and legal responsibility on Officials of Netherlands and  all freedomfighters of the Netherlands to defend Mr. Mansouri, because in the end they crave as defending

Netherlands international intensity and put the government’s respect for its citizens in test.e
As for Iran, everyone clearly knows all what is claimed by this reactionary government

lies and slander. We see how they deal with their citizens when trying to exercise their

natural rights, even the right that recognized by the law of Iran itself.
How violate the rights of all prisoners, and even raped the prisoners and the events of Kahrizk prison

which was a drop of a sea in terms of crimes that occur against prisoners in Iran. e
People of Liberal Netherlands: you defend Mansuri because he represents the citizens of Netherlands

whom works which humanity elevated to the highest degree in the upscale community of Netherlands

and received royal estimate because of his humanitarian and is now imprisoned in Iran, a

country ruled by an oppressive government.e


Ahwazi Centre For Humanright


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