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Critical condition and move to unknown destination of Ahwazi Arab prisoners

According to reliable source within Al-Ahwaz quoted to Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights

(ACHR) that an Ahwazi prisoner named as Hussein Hardani suffering from paralyzed in half after being subjected to severe torture in the dungeons of the intelligence cells, after he was arrested by the intelligence service a few months ago when he intended to come to Turkey illegally to save his life.


The source added that intelligence service agent has warned family of the activist from dealing with the media or the general public about what happened to the Hussein, which made the news of his injury does not spread at the time. still details and circumstances of the arrested activist are ambiguous and unclear in light of the failure of his family from dealing with the Ahwazi activists after being under the pressure of intelligence services.

Ahwazi activist Hussein Hardani already arrested by the intelligence services in the “Althoura” neighbourhood west of the city of Ahwaz capital, on July 15 2015 for its transformation into a doctrine of the Sunnis, and after spending five months in the intelligence’s solitary confinement, Mr. Hardani was released on bail.

In another news received by ACHR that Iranian intelligence agents transferred an Ahwazi captive named as Riad Jassim Albatrani from Sheyban prison to an unknown destination on Friday the 16th of August 2016, which warns of the dangers to his life.

Mr. Riad Jassim Albatrani was arrested on 8th of August 2016 by intelligence service without prior notice where up to written of this report there is no exact news confirming the charges that been made against him as well as the detainee’s family could not see their son after being arrested on early August this year.

Mr. Riad Jassim Albatrani is brother of Ahwazi martyr Mr. Ali Jassim Albatrani who was killed in 2005 Ahwazi intifada under torture.

In similar context the Iranian intelligence service has transferred other two Ahwazi prisoners to the notorious “Sepidar” prison on Saturday the 17th of August 2016.

The ACHR has received news from reliable sources that Iranian intelligence service has moved two Ahwazi prisoners named as Mr. Mehdi Dasoomi and Milad Moramazi to the notorious “Sepidar” prison in Ahwaz capital.

The Iranian intelligence accused the Ahwazi detainees for distributing leaflets against the regime in the Ahwaz capital.

Iranian security service detains those who are opposing its presence in Al-Ahwaz and exercises barbaric torture and issuing heavy sentences for activist.

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights


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