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Mohammad Bouazar arrested and taken to Unknown Place

By Hossein Bouazar

Mohammad Bouazar, 23 years old, from the youth of Ahwaz city, was arrested by IRGC intelligence during the protests on Thursday, November 17, 2022 in Kianpars (Khaldiyeh) city of Ahwaz city and was taken to an unknown place. 

Over the past 44 years, Iranian regime has suppressed, tortured, and killed its people. Iranian regime has been stealing wealth of its nation while Iranian people has been struggling with poverty and high unemployment rates.

We, the Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), concerns, while Ahwazi Arabs, non-Persian nations within so call “Iran” face continues oppression and discrimination, the most significant human rights issues included a high number of executions for false confession and false crimes without fair trials of individuals. Torture; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary detention and imprisonment; of hundreds of political prisoners, are just few examples of how the Iranian regime violates the human rights.

We are calling upon Mr. Javaid Rehman the United Nations special rapporteur for the situation of human rights in Iran and Mrs Agnes Callamard the UN special rapporteur on extra Judicial execution to intervene and stop the Iranian criminal regime from executing innocent prisoners that were arrested without any legal warrant.

Hossein Bouazar, a passionate advocate for human rights hailing from Ahwaz. With a deep-rooted connection to his people, the Ahwazi Arabs, Hossein dedicates his writings to shedding light on the challenges they face. As a vocal critic of the Iranian regime, he fearlessly exposes the human rights abuses perpetrated against the Ahwazi people. Through his poignant words, Hossein aims to raise global awareness about the injustices experienced by the Ahwazi Arabs. His writings serve as a powerful voice, challenging the status quo and advocating for a world where the fundamental rights of all individuals, regardless of their ethnicity or background, are respected and protected.

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights

Date: 2022/11/20

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